Font Scripts

JavaScript Frameworks



Security Headers



/ month



/ month

Defence Pro


/ month

  • 24/7 Uptime Monitoring
  • Cloud Backups
  • Website Health Dashboard
  • SSL Expiry Monitoring
  • Weekly Updates Report
  • Weekly core and plugins updates
  • Weekly core and plugins updates
  • 24/7 Uptime Monitoring
  • Cloud Backups
  • Malware Guarantee
  • Website Health Dashboard
  • Security Optimization
  • SSL Expiry Monitoring
  • Weekly Updates Report
  • Malware Removal
  • Weekly Updates Report
  • Custom Functionality Testing
  • 24/7 Uptime Monitoring
  • Cloud Backups
  • Security Optimization
  • Malware Guarantee
  • Website Health Dashboard
  • SSL Expiry Monitoring
  • Custom & E-commerce Sites
  • Malware Removal
  • Weekly core and plugins updates

Step 01

Still not sure what plan to choose?

We’ll be happy to match you up with the proper website maintenance plan that will suit your needs.
If you still have questions at the end of this questionnaire, please contact us for more details or email us your question so we can assist you further!

Just click the button below to begin.

Step 02

How is you website built?*

Step 03

Does your website have any custom functionality?*

Step 04

How important is it for you to have a team that can ensure your website is secure?*

Step 04

Please, type your Full Name*

Step 05

Please, type your Email, so we can send your results*

Calculate the outage cost of your website for your business

calculate downtime cost

Current Downtime:



recovery cost

Timespan Lost Revenue Lost Productivity Total Lost
Every Week
Every Day
Every Hour
Every Minute
Secure my Website to save per day*
*potential losses in case of an issue